Monday, March 7, 2011

How to Remove Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe (Virus)

How to remove the virus:
first download taskiller  and install it to your computer because you can’t use task manager to terminate the virus(the virus automatically close task manager).
run taskiller and left click it on the system tray(the one with a skull icon)
click processes
to close the virus, select process and click yes to the question

(process to close)
  1. killer.exe
  2. lsass.exe
  3. smss.exe
note: close only file that have the same icon of Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe
  1. now, click “start” then “run”
  2. type “cmd” without quotes
  3. type “cd\” without quotes
  4. type “attrib -h -s smss.exe” without quotes
  5. type “attrib -h -s autorun.inf” without quotes
  6. type “start c:” without quotes (a new window will open)
  7. select smss.exe, autorun.inf, Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe and delete it
If theres any drive or a partition type “d:” in command prompt without quotes “d” is the drive letter then repeat the CMD STEPS number 4-7 above…….
  • now type this on the command prompt “cd windows” without quotes.
  • type “attrib -h -s smss.exe” (without quotes)
  • type “start c:\windows” (without quotes)
  • delete the file smss.exe
  • now, goto c:\documents and settings\all users\startmenu\programs\startup
  • delete lsass.exe
click “start” then “run”
type “regedit” without quotes then delete the registry entries above….