Thursday, September 8, 2011

Create a Local User in Linux

[root@local host]#useradd    rahul (user name which we have add)
[root@local host]#passwd    rahul
[root@local host]# UNIX password   ******
[root@local host]#retypes   ******
Sudo user:- 
In it all the user how are working as administrator are called sudouser.Sudo are the administrator users by default root is a sudo user. If we want to make any local user as a sudouser then we can make him by making changes in the “vi  /etc/sudoers” .This files contains entries of all the root user.
Su - :- This command is used to login from one user to another user. It is the Switch user command.
Case IST :- If we are login on one local user & we want to go another local user then we will write the command “su    second user name“after this we will give the password of second user.
Case IInd:-If we are on a local user and we want tom go to root then we will write “su – “then it will as the password by given the root password. We can login by “su – root” command.

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